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Partner Update • 12.15.22

Celebrate Victories with us! Dec 15, 2022 What God is doing… Multiple new volunteers were onboarded and matched with teams/clubs in the area First female coaches huddle launched at NKU A local HS soccer coach places faith in Jesus and was inspired by one of our student leaders Please pray… NKU Athlete Mission Trip – […]

Partner Update • 12.01.22

God is Moving on Campus! Dec 1, 2022 What God is doing… A group of guys at UC just re-established the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and already God has done amazing things in the lives of the young men around them. Pray for continued growth in these young men and courage for the guys as they […]

Younglife Capernaum

Partner Update November 28, 2022 What God is doing… A New Area Director  3 New Capernaum Leaders We have recently started Capernaum Small groups for guys and girls 275 Guests at Royal Prom were presented the Gospel 85 Students at Daycamp were presented the Gospel Please pray… Our upcoming February Great Wolf Lodge Retreat That we […]

Young Life NKY Update • 11.17.22

Partner Update November 17, 2022 What God is doing… We had an awesome Fall Celebration fundraiser! Hundreds of students have been hearing the gospel preached in basements all over NKY this fall! Praise God for the opportunity to engage 80 middle school students with the gospel on a fall weekend trip.  Please pray… We have […]

TUMI Partner Update • 11.10.22

Partner Update Student manuals in Spanish are nearly ready to publish! What God is doing… There were wonderful meetings with Oakseed Partners in Ethiopia. Praise God for the Spirit’s help in teaching 25 students preparing for ministry in the Evangelical Theological College in Ethiopia. Thank God for the safe arrival of donated theological books for […]

TTG Partner Update • 11.03.22

Partner Update Nov 3, 2022 What God is doing… Praise God for our wonderful, devoted, godly volunteers! Glorify Him for how He used our Fall Banquet. Thank Him for our current residents in the program. We are looking forward to see how He will continue to change and use their lives for a greater purpose!  […]

PLM Partner Update • 10.27.22

Partner Update Oct 27, 2022 The holidays can be especially difficult for our residential guys and their families. See how to pray for them below. What God is doing… We are busier than ever in our outreach department. God has faithfully provided by adding a 3rd member to our production team. We are thinking of renaming […]

New Hope Praise & Prayer Update

New Hope Praise & Prayer Update October 20, 2022 Celebrations! Praise God for His financial provision this year. So many have generously donated financial gifts and material items for our clients.  We are truly blessed!  Praise God for safety.  We are grateful to report that we have not had any issues at our centers since […]

Kentucky Jail Ministries – Prayer and Praise Update 10.13.22

Kentucky Jail Ministries Praise & Prayer Update October 13, 2022 Celebrations! We are excited to report that God has provided KJM the opportunity to minister to inmates enrolled in a substance abuse program at the Grant County Jail. Praise God that the Bibles (donated by GFC Ft. Thomas’ own Jodi S.) are being greatly enjoyed […]

FCA – Ministry Update

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Ministry Update October 6, 2022 Serve Opportunity We would like to clear the backyard brush at the FCA house at NKU if anyone is gifted in landscaping type of work. If you are interested please email Nate! Email Nate Here Celebrations! We had a great kick-off event at NKU.  We’ve had […]

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

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By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


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