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FRM Partner Update • 09.29.22

Partner Update Sep 29, 2022 What God is doing… Congratulations to Sandra Hammers on her retirement as Director of Operations after 25 years of service!  Congratulations to Mark Martin who was selected as the full-time Director of Men’s Ministries! Mark has been with FRM for 15 years, fulfilling the position of Evening Men’s Supervisor. Please keep […]

Partner Update • 09.22.22

Partner Update​ Sep 22, 2022​ What God is doing… Four students have come to Christ so far this semester! We are so thankful! Praise God for new life in Christ! Pray for their faith to take root! Our first four events on campus went really well. We met a ton of students and many of […]

Young Life Capernaum Update • 09.13.22

Young Life Capernaum Royal Prom Update September 15, 2022 Celebrations! YL Capernaum is hosting The Royal Prom on September 23rd.  This is a grand event at which any of our friends with disabilities between the ages of 14 and 101 is invited to be their Honored Guests! Every registered guest has a buddy assigned to them to guide […]

Young Life NKY Update • 09.07.22

Young Life NKY Summer Camp Praise & Prayer Update September 8, 2022 Celebrations!   Almost 200 students met the Lord this summer. We had over 500 folks come to our annual Pool Party kick off in early August. We have 102 amazing volunteer leaders giving themselves for the sake of the gospel everyday. Prayer Requests   […]

TTG Partner Update • 08.25.22

Partner Update Aug 25, 2022 What God is doing… Praise the Lord for the new building that has become home to everyone here. We have two residents who will graduate from the program soon!  We have a new resident beginning the program this month!  Celebrate with us the work He is doing in the hearts […]

[VIDEO] PLM Partner Update • 08.18.22

Partner Update Aug 18, 2022 What God is doing… We are launching a new video series titled: Babylon: The Seat of Satan’s Power. This is probably our most ambitious video series to date, and we are praying that God would use it to help awaken a sleepy church to the spiritual realities of life! Praise! Our […]

Kentucky Jail Ministries | Prayer & Praise Update: 08.04.22

Kentucky Jail Ministries Praise & Prayer Update August 5, 2022 Celebrations! Praise God for consistent financial support and for donated New Testaments.  Prayer Requests Due to COVID, Grant and Boone County jails closed to support agencies. Pray that COVID will subside and the jails will reopen soon. Pray that Kentucky Jail Ministries will be allowed […]

Recognized by the NAACP!

We were honored to be recognized by the Northern Kentucky NAACP in June. They presented us with an award for our service to the community. We are looking forward to hosting a lunch for the NAACP this month!

Partner Update • 07.14.22

Partner Update​ Jul 14, 2022 What God is doing… We have 7 students at the Summer Leadership Project in Petoskey, MI. They will be returning at the end of July so be praying for their spiritual growth! Josh Botkin is in UdonThani Thailand with the Campus Outreach team serving and teaching English at the university. […]

Summer Camp Scholarship Fund

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By giving to this fund, you’ll help students who may need financial aid as well as keep the overall cost of camp down for all students.


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